Nikiszowiec, once an entirely separate district built solely for mining families, is a unique exam...
Nikiszowiec, once an entirely separate district built solely for mining families, is a unique example of architecture and a must for street photography enthusiasts. The beautiful brick housing estate, designed by Emil and Georg Zillmann, is featured prominently in films by Kazimierz Kutz and Lech Majewski, among others. Many say there is something undeniably magical about Nikiszowiec, which is probably thanks to the artists of the Janowska Group who are still active here today. Even though they portray reality with simple strokes, the Art Naif Festival held annually at the nearby Wilson Shaft Gallery attracts crowds of enthusiasts of this particular style of primitive art. Many local craftspeople still work here today, producing creative pieces such as beautiful watercolours and unique coal jewellery.
For many years now, Nikiszowiec has formed part of the Industrial Monuments Route, which takes visitors on a journey around important sites of the industrial heritage of Śląskie province. If you do embark on the route, definitely don’t miss out on exploring the nearby Giszowiec – another mining housing estate also built over 100 years ago, this time for the workers of the Giesche corporation. Its rather unique design was based on the concept of the Garden City, developed by English urban planner Ebenezer Howard. The Katowice section of the Industrial Monuments Route also includes the Walcownia Zinc Metallurgy Museum and the China Factory, whose renovated compound has since been turned into a technology park. China isn’t produced here anymore; it is however decorated and sold, either in exquisite sets or as stunning individual pieces.