In the morning departure to the village of Cruz...
In the morning departure to the village of Cruz Pata, in order to later go to the funerary site of Karajía. On the way enjoy a panoramic view of the Plaza de Armas of Luya. Cruz Pata, known as the Meseta de las Cruces (Plateau of the Crosses) is the starting point of our journey on foot or riding a horse to get to Karajia in about 30 minutes. We will admire the Sarcophagus of Karajia that belong to the pre-Inca culture of the Chachapoyas, they are made of stone, wood and clay with an anthropomorphic form, they are unique in its kind because of its colossal size (up to 2.5 meters high) and its very careful craftmanship. We will see that, in spite of the time lapsed, the fact that they are located on the highest part of a cliff of difficult access has preserved them in a very good condition. Return to have lunch in the city of Luya. Later visit to the Caverns of Quiocta, a capricious work of mother nature, located in the district of Lamud, province of Luya. In these Caverns seven halls have been detected with stalagmites and stalactites that have been assigned different names according to their strange forms. Night at Chachapoyas city.